Tired of your hair and stuck for ideas for a new haircut? Short hair, long hair, straight hair or curly hair, find all the haircuts missed this year! we have selected for you the latest trends in hairstyle. Haircuts must for this season will be cut very short or very long but decidedly feminine! You will surely find one for your type and your hair color.
Change haircut
Focus on new trends for short haircuts, the square structured, short curly, short ball effect or boyish cut. For long hair, we advise you a long or a long bohemian very smooth. With or without bangs, parted on the side or in the middle, auFeminin.com you met all hairstyles trends pictures. Find your next haircut from our selection. Blond, red, brown, black, short hair, medium or long, choose the next cut you. Browse photos of hairstyles that can be found on the podium this year! 's resolution this year? Dare! Assume your hair and play with to find your new style.
The short bob is trendy this year: open neck, pretending to length, I do not know what Louise Brooks, so 20's? Not have cut so LA right now! All Stars are one day past the box cut "short bob." This short bob cut will all face shapes (round, square) and is suitable for all hair types (tight, curly or curly). So try the adventure you also short and square insipez you of these models.
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